Indirect & Referral Programs
CAN has partnered with resources throughout the Baltimore County area to provide wrap-around services to our customers. Below are descriptions of services we don't directly provide, but we are able to connect you to those who do.
Healthcare Resources
United Healthcare has partnered with CAN to offer health & nutrition workshops throughout Baltimore County. Stay updated with these events by liking our Facebook page and following us on Twitter! You can also call our Community Resource Specialist, Norina Hammett, for more information at 410-285-4674 ext. 126 and 304.
If you need to sign up for healthcare in Baltimore County, visit UnitedHealthcare's website to view available plans and answers to questions you may have.
Legal Aid
Maryland Legal Aid provides services to low-income individuals throughout the state of Maryland. Some services provided are:
Child support
Wrongful eviction/eviction prevention
... and a variety of other court services
Contact Maryland Legal Aid
Local Phone Number: (410) 427-1800
Toll Free Phone Number: (877) 878-5920
29 W. Susquehanna Ave., Suite 305
Towson, MD 21204