CAN provides quality training, education, and resources to raise people’s knowledge and awareness about money management, credit scores, and cash flow for the purpose of eliminating financial stress and creating self-sufficiency. All activities include action steps for clients to move themselves toward greater stability and growth.
Individual customers receiving services from CAN review their budgets with a Community Resource Specialist and identify areas for implementing change. Financial literacy program training provides a basic understanding of money, learning to prioritize needs, and make critical financial decisions.
Help in Hard Times – an informational publication of the United Way of Central Maryland 2-1-1
Contents include:
Survival Plan: Take Charge of Your Life
Securing Your Finances
Housing Concerns
Feeding your Family
Help with Energy Costs
Health Care Resources
Assistance for People with Disabilities
Legal Assistance
Finding Work
Counseling to Help You Through
Money-Stretching Strategies
Suze’s Tools® - Financial tools designed and developed by Suze Orman to help you get on track with your finances.
Debt Eliminator
Expense Tracker
Average Cost Basis Analyzer